فهرست ستاره‌های چلیپا

نام Designation مکان قدر فاصله (ly) رده بندی توضیحات
B F HD HIP RA میل vis. abs.
β Cruβ1111236243412h 47m 43.32s 19.4″ 41′ −59°1.25−3.92352B0.5IIIBecrux, Mimosa; 20th brightest star; β Cep variable, Vmax = +1.23m, Vmin = +1.31m, P = 0.2365072 d
α1 Cruα11082486071812h 26m 35.94s 56.6″ 05′ −63°1.4−3.6321B0.5IVAcrux; 23rd brightest star; multiple star, ستاره دوتایی
γ Cru Aγ1089036108412h 31m 09.93s 45.2″ 06′ −57°1.59−0.5688M4IIIGacrux; triple star; suspected variable
α2 Cruα210824912h 26m 36.50s 58.0″ 05′ −63°2.09−2.88321B1Vcomponent of the α Cru system
δ Cruδ1064905974712h 15m 08.76s 56.0″ 44′ −58°2.79−2.45364B2IVDecrux, Delcrux; β Cep variable; Vmax = +2.78m, Vmin = +2.84m, P = 0.151038 d
ε Cruε1074466026012h 21m 21.81s 04.9″ 24′ −60°3.59−0.63228K3/K4IIIJuxta, Juxta Crucem; suspected variable
μ1 Cruμ11120926300312h 54m 35.66s 40.4″ 10′ −57°4.03−1.29377B2IV-Vستاره دوتایی
ζ Cruζ1069836000912h 18m 26.29s 11.0″ 00′ −64°4.06−1.16361B2.5Vdouble star
η Cruη1052115907212h 06m 52.85s 49.1″ 36′ −64°4.142.6764F2IIIdouble star
θ1 Cruθ11046715875812h 03m 01.70s 46.6″ 18′ −63°4.320.08230Amspectroscopic binary
1109566232712h 46m 22.75s 19.6″ 29′ −56°4.62−0.80396B3Vdouble star
λ Cruλ1120786300712h 54m 39.22s 48.0″ 08′ −59°4.62−0.59360B4Vnβ Cep variable, ΔV = 0.02m, P = 0.3951 d
ι Cruι1108296226812h 45m 37.92s 52.2″ 58′ −60°4.691.78125K1IIIoptical double
θ2 Cruθ21048415886712h 04m 19.24s 56.6″ 09′ −63°4.72−2.10753B2IVspectroscopic binary; β Cep variable, Vmax = +4.70m, Vmin = +4.74m, P = 0.0889 d
256 Cru25610825012h 26m 30.90s 21.0″ 07′ −63°4.86B4IVprobable optical double with the α Cru system
39 Cru391103356196612h 41m 56.60s 08.9″ 41′ −59°4.91−2.601035B6IVرده‌بندی ستارگان
μ2 Cruμ21120916300512h 54m 36.92s 07.1″ 10′ −57°5.08−0.14361B5Vnecomponent of μ Cru system; γ Cas variable , Vmax = +4.99m, Vmin = +5.18m
BZ Cru1104326202712h 42m 50.28s 31.0″ 03′ −63°5.27−2.12982B2pehigh-mass دوتایی پرتو ایکس; γ Cas variable, Vmax = +5.24m, Vmin = +5.45m
1122446311712h 55m 57.14s 08.9″ 50′ −56°5.34−3.471884O9Ibemission-line star
1076966037912h 22m 49.47s 34.0″ 40′ −57°5.380.28342B9V
BL Cru1083966078112h 27m 28.88s 30.4″ 59′ −58°5.38−0.82566M4/M5IIIsemiregular variable, ΔV = 0.35m
1039615837911h 58m 15.25s 02.3″ 19′ −56°5.44−1.00633B8IIIsuspected variable
35 Cru351089686113612h 31m 40.34s 26.1″ 25′ −59°5.49−3.071680F5Ib-G0pBG Cru; متغیر دلتا قیفاووسی, Vmax = +5.34m, Vmin = +5.58m, P = 3.3428 d
1038845832611h 57m 40.04s 55.4″ 26′ −62°5.59−0.73598B3Vsuspected variable
1040355842711h 58m 47.67s 22.4″ 20′ −64°5.59−4.112835A3Ib
DS Cru1116136273212h 51m 17.98s 47.2″ 19′ −60°5.71−4.102991A2Iabemission-line star; α Cyg variable, Vmax = +5.79m, Vmin = +5.84m
1119046289412h 53m 21.90s 42.6″ 19′ −60°5.75−4.714025B9Iasuspected variable
1087326096912h 29m 54.19s 29.9″ 31′ −56°5.78−0.40562M1IIIsuspected variable
κ Cruκ1119736293112h 53m 48.92s 34.5″ 22′ −60°5.89B5Iamember of the Jewel Box خوشه ستاره‌ای (note that κ Cru usually refers to the cluster itself)
1060685951712h 12m 21.99s 02.8″ 57′ −62°5.91−4.964866B9Ia
1075436030812h 21m 57.44s 27.8″ 22′ −56°5.91−2.731743K4III + (F)
1049335892112h 04m 57.25s 05.7″ 58′ −60°5.95−0.59661M2IIIsuspected variable
1090006115812h 31m 56.15s 21.2″ 30′ −63°5.961.62240A8III
1105066205812h 43m 09.21s 34.3″ 10′ −56°5.990.47414B9Vn
1083556077112h 27m 24.85s 20.3″ 47′ −63°6.02−0.50657B8IV
1085016085112h 28m 19.31s 27.5″ 20′ −64°6.051.11317A0Vn
1104616202612h 42m 49.80s 49.1″ 56′ −55°6.060.77372B9V
1058415939612h 11m 05.25s 38.6″ 16′ −61°6.081.34290F0III
1085706087012h 28m 33.84s 26.2″ 24′ −56°6.153.02138K0/K1III
1044305864212h 01m 29.26s 13.5″ 30′ −57°6.161.28309A1V
DL Cru1063435967812h 14m 16.93s 30.7″ 24′ −64°6.20B1.5Iaα Cyg variable; Vmax = +6.24m, Vmin = +6.28m
1085306086112h 28m 25.71s 41.4″ 47′ −61°6.210.31494K2III
1054375920012h 08m 24.74s 49.7″ 50′ −60°6.22−2.892159K3/K4II
1094926144312h 35m 29.79s 29.0″ 50′ −61°6.222.89151G4IV
1049005890112h 04m 45.29s 11.7″ 15′ −59°6.301.12354B9Vn
1041115846911h 59m 25.63s 51.4″ 49′ −62°6.34A9Ib-II
1083956078012h 27m 28.84s 59.3″ 18′ −58°6.35−0.79874K4III
1105326208412h 43m 28.40s 09.9″ 54′ −58°6.41−0.14667K0/K1IIIdouble star
γ Cru Bγ10892512h 31m 16.70s 52.0″ 04′ −57°6.42component of the γ Cru system
R Cru1078056045512h 23m 37.69s 44.9″ 37′ −61°6.90508F7Ib/IICepheid variable, Vmax = +6.40m, Vmin = +7.23m, P = 5.82575 d
HD 1081471081476064412h 25m 46.27s 19.5″ 01′ −64°6.99126F9Vhas a planet


مشارکت‌کنندگان ویکی‌پدیا. «Crux». در دانشنامهٔ ویکی‌پدیای انگلیسی، بازبینی‌شده در ۱۸ مه ۲۰۰۸.

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